The Brain Club
Introduction and Records of Mogi lab.

"The Brain Club" is weekly seminar of Mogi lab. This is the records of the brain club.

"The Brain Club"とは東工大・茂木研究室が週一回行っているゼミのことです。 このページはその記録のためのものです。


Mogi Lab. Wiki(基本的に英語です)

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about Mogi lab. / 茂木研について

Mogi lab. belongs to department of Computational Intelligence and System Science of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering in Tokyo Institute of Technology. Main theme is brain and cognitive science.


Seminar Records / ゼミの記録

The records of seminar in each semester are below.

This site also contains more detail information and older records of The Brain Club.

For lab. members / 研究室メンバー用

Some tools for communication and discussion. For lab. members only.

Mogi lab.
Department of Computational Inteligence and System Science [Web]
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering [Web]
Tokyo Institute of Technology [Web]

知能システム科学専攻 [Web]
総合理工学研究科(大学院) [Web]
東京工業大学 [Web]

WebMaster: Shinichi Nozawa [mail]